Monday, March 19, 2012

Embracing Our Differences

Embracing Our Differences:                                Talking to Your Child about Diversity

Denver, CO (Jan. 5, 12) MOPS International- Mothers Of Preschoolers, shares the following parenting commentary:

Alexandra Kuykendall's blog article sheds light on ways to seek out learning opportunities at school, on the playground, and anywhere young kids can spot differences in others. Rather than reinforcing barriers to friendship and cooperation, parents can acknowledge and even embrace differences in others, and proactively encourage their children to do the same from a young age.
This article can be reprinted in its entirety, crediting MOPS International, Please contact for articles, expert opinions, and other resources. Please notify if you choose to reprint this article.
My eldest daughter, Gabi, started kindergarten at our neighborhood school this fall. In her class are single-parent families, a girl adopted from China, another from Africa, and a two-mommy family, white, Hispanic and black children, and every combination of the three. Moms drop off their kindergartners in designer suits, laptop bags in hand, next to pony-tailed, tattooed dads getting off the night shift. It's a microcosm of our neighborhood. Gabi notices some of these differences and jumps ahead to the things that are important to her, such as who likes Hello Kitty or has a little sister - their similarities.

One rare morning, Gabi and I arrived at school early. We could have spent the time on the playground, but I decided we should check out the school's free breakfast. Although we'd already eaten, I suspected the lunchroom would be filled with kids whose families' budgets were a little tighter than ours. It was one of those lines that could separate us, and I wanted to step over it with my daughter. With trays in hand, we headed for a table with kids from her class. A few of the moms looked at me with uncertainty, but then one turned, recognized me and smiled. She greeted me in Spanish, and I could almost feel the others' sigh of relief when I replied in the same language (my time in Spain paid off). In that moment, I looked at Gabi and thought: This is exactly where God wants us to be.

Tips on Talking with Your Child about Differences

•    Know your child's "normal." Look at the world through your child's eyes to better understand what she might see as different. If everyone in your family wears glasses or has curly hair, then she expects that. Use her worldview as a starting point to discuss others' differences.

•    Compare and contrast. Ask your child to compare himself to people he knows and loves. How are you the same as Grandma? How are you different? Who is taller, you or Mommy? Who likes ice cream more, you or your brother? Then reinforce that God made us all in his image. Our differences show how creative he is.

•    Allow kids to react. Don't expect your child to know and understand all the social nuances you have built up over your lifetime. When (not if) your preschooler shouts those oh-so-embarrassing observations in the grocery check-out line, acknowledge her and gently tell her you will talk about them later in private. Make sure you follow up so she has an opportunity to react and be heard.

•    Limit your explanations. Answer the questions your child asks, but don't give more information than he's looking for. When your son asks about a neighbor's accent, don't describe the history of U.S. immigration. Instead, ask your neighbor to teach your child a few words in a new language. This puts the focus back on the relationship and how you can learn from each other.

•    Remember Jesus' example. Jesus surrounded himself with a whole cast of characters who made a variety of lifestyle choices. When asked what his greatest commandment was, Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27). If differences are a result of lifestyle choices you aren't comfortable with, focus on Jesus' example.
Alexandra Kuykendall is Editor of Mom and Leader Content for MOPS International and a regular contributor to MomSense magazine, Connections magazine, the blog at and MOPS video curriculum. Alex shares her mom-expertise with audiences as large as 5,000 and also acknowledges that she is always learning something new as the mom of four children, ages 6 months to nine.

Denver-based MOPS International is a non-profit ministry that creates communities to help "Better Moms Make A Better World." Since 1973, MOPS International has served millions of mothers and families in thousands of local MOPS groups across the U.S. and in 38 countries internationally.  MOPS ministries include Classic MOPS, Teen MOPS, Military MOPS, International MOPS and MOMSnext.  MOPS is the best in the world at creating authentic communities of growth that invite women into a spiritual relationship.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Insect Protection

40,000 cases of lyme disease are documented in the US alone every year and health experts are predicting 2012 to be the worst year for Lyme risk ever. A warm winter combined with and a lean harvest of acorns are adding to this risk. Acorns? According to a recent article in the New York Times, a lack of acorns results in a smaller population of rodents - meaning that ticks will be looking for other hosts - us!
Here are some helpful tick-prevention strategies to keep you, your family and pet protected this summer:
1.) YOUR YARD: Ticks are not out in the middle of your lawn, they live where yards border wooded areas, or anywhere it is shaded and there are leaves with high humidity. Place a layer of wood chips between your grass yard and the woods edge. Ticks are attracted to the wood chips because of the shade and moisture it provides.
2.) TICK CHECKS: Do periodic tick checks (on yourself, children and pets) and carefully remove any found. (Wear light colored clothing so ticks are easier to find.)
3.) OUTDOOR PURSUITS: When on a hike, bike, or walk try to remain in the center of a trail in order to minimize your exposure. Remember - ticks cannot fly, they crawl up. Avoid sitting directly on the ground, woodpiles or fallen logs - areas where ticks love to live.
4.) PERSONAL PROTECTION: Wear tick repellent clothing. Insect Shield repellent apparel is EPA registered to repel ticks (as well as a variety of other pesky and potentially dangerous insects.) The repellency is odorless, invisible and long-lasting. Insect Shield apparel is available for adults, kids and even your dog!
Video – How Insect Shield Works
Link to digital release -
Insect Shield Product Categories:
Gardening Hats & Accessories Insect Shield Camping/Backyard
Insect Shield Bug Repellent Hammock
Insect Shield Bug Hut Tent
Insect Shield Camping/Deck Chairs
Insect Shield Bunk Sack
Insect Shield Mosquito Nets
Insect Shield Coolmax Adapter Cover
Insect Shield Outdoor/Adventure Travel Apparel
Lightweight outdoor clothing and accessories that offer bug/sun protection for the entire family.
Insect Shield Hiking Gaiters – Adults/Kid’s Youth
Kids outdoor apparel and accessories
Work Wear
Insect Shield protective work wear